On Ramp API
Welcome to the Banxa On Ramp Guide. In this section, you will find steps on how best to integrate our APIs.
If you would like to build a simple redirect to the Banxa widget, please see instructions using a Referral Link. If instead you wish to build your own front end to allow users to select their cryptocurrency, fiat and amounts, then we recommend the following steps. Otherwise, skip to step 3 to go straight to order initiation.
Building an interface to view prices
1. Retrieve reference data and build front end UI
Request available Payment Methods, Fiats and Cryptocurrencies available for your account. Use this information to allow your user to view and select order details on your app.
You can check this availability periodically as we will often add new support for more payment methods and currencies.
2. Retrieve quote
On your app, when the user has selected their desired currencies, amounts and payment method, call the Quotes endpoint to retrieve a quotation from Banxa.
This will be the best possible price based on the available data passed through in the endpoint. If you pass the user's wallet address, this will allow Banxa to return the most accurate prices based on order history.
3. Redirect to Banxa widget
Using the selected order details, redirect the user to the checkout URL that is returned when you call the Buy endpoint. Banxa will then take care of KYC and payment.
Once complete we will redirect the customer back to your app using the URL you gave us in the Buy endpoint.
4. Retrieve order details
Depending on the payment method chosen, the order will be completed in minutes or up to a few hours. You can check on the progress by calling the Orders endpoint.
Alternative, you may wish to subscribe to webhooks which will notify you of order status changes.
Updated 7 months ago