Testing Information

We have a sandbox environment for testing your integration. In the sandbox environment, you can go through the user journey and place test orders. You use the following test data in order to progress an order.


API Hosts

The Sandbox environment can be accessed via this base URL https://api.banxa-sandbox.com/{partner}/v2

📱 Mobile Number and Pin Code

During the order creation on Banxa, the customer is required to enter a mobile phone number. A PIN code is sent to the mobile phone via SMS, which the customer is then required to enter. The Banxa sandbox environment is configured to accept a special PIN code of 7203. Please note that an SMS will be sent to all numbers provided so please ensure the number is not a legitimate one.

Mobile NumberPin Code
+61 4915776447203
+61 4915781487203
+61 4915789577203
+61 4915792127203
+61 4915746327203
+61 4915794557203
+61 4915701567203
+61 4915701597203

🆔 KYC Data

A first time customer will be guided through a KYC process during their first order with Banxa. We suggested you input words and names that exist as opposed to random strings, as there are still some basic validations in place.

You may also be asked to upload ID documents. This can be any image with some text, captured using your device. This will not be verified, however will need to be in high resolution.

💳 Credit Cards

Card NameUse the name that you provided as part of KYC
Card Number4444333322221111
Security Code555

Credit Card for GBP or EUR

Card NameUse the name that you provided as part of KYC
Card Number4242424242424242
ExpiryAny expiry date in the future
Security Code100

Credit Card (transitioning)

Card NameUse the name that you provided as part of KYC
Card Number4111 1111 1111 1111
ExpiryAny expiry date in the future
Security CodeAny

🏦Local Payment Methods

Local payment methods in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand and US

CountryNational Identity NumberExample
BrazilCadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CFP)10112075088
ChileRol Único Nacional760864285
ColombiaCédula de Ciudadanía1077650154
South AfricaNational ID8001015009087
ThailandThai identity card number4854701245289
United StatesSSN222608111

ACH Payments in the United States

Enter the following details to login to the Plaid screen:

username: user_good
password: pass_good
pin: credential_good (when required)

For more details, read https://plaid.com/docs/sandbox/test-credentials/

Off Ramp Test Bank Account for AUD

These details can be used for Off-Ramp transactions. These are dummy data that can be used, however as long as the Name of the Account is the same as the name of the customer as per their KYC, then any Account Number can be used in our Sandbox environment.

NameJohn Smith
Account Number111111