Allows you to share customer details with Banxa before an Order is created. This reduces the need for customers to re-submit personal details and upload KYC documentation during the Banxa checkout flow. Detailed guide on how to implement this API can be found here.

This endpoint is restricted and subject to Banxa approval.

Customer Awareness

When using this endpoint, we recommend that customers are advised that their personal details and KYC documents will be shared with Banxa. This reduces customer confusion if Banxa is required to contact the Customer to collect additional documents.

Sumsub KYC Sharing (Sumsub enabled partners only)

If you have entered into a Sumsub data transfer agreement to provide KYC data to Banxa, you will be able to pass the customer's Sumsub KYC token through this endpoint. This will allow Banxa to verify and retrieve the customer's KYC data in order as well as ensure that the customer will not need to go through KYC again during the Banxa checkout flow.

Example Sumsub Request Payload

curl -X POST "https://[PARTNER-NAME]" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx:xxxx-xxxx-xxxx:xxxxxxxx" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -d \
    "account_reference": "test001001",
    "mobile_number": "61431000001",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_identity": {
        "given_name": "Joe",
        "surname": "Bloggs",
        "residential_address": {
            "country": "AU"
    "identity_sharing": [{
   	  "provider": "sumsub", 
  	  "token": "_act-57c9e30d-2768-406d-99a5-d9646ebfc9dd"

Customer Information and Documents (not required for Sumsub enabled partners)

Whilst all fields are not required, we recommend that you pass as much information as is available. Additionally, there may still be a need for customers to submit additional details where the information is needed in order to fulfil Banxa regulatory requirements.

Documents can be sent using an image link that points to where the image is store. When sending us identity documents, at least one or several image links should be sent. We currently accept JPEG, JPG, and PNG as acceptable file formats. The minimum file size is 32KB and the maximum file size is 10MB. For the image link, we require that all image links to come from a secure https:// URL request. The image link should preferably be a one time link to download the document. This ensures it will not be downloaded by other parties.


When a customer record has been created in Banxa, you will receive the following:

data.account_account_idThe Banxa account ID for the customer.string
data.account.account_referenceYour account reference for customer.string
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!