
Change to Payment Type Values

As part of continuous improvement to Banxa services, we are resolving a pain point that many of our partners have raised around the mapping of orders and payment types using the Get Payment Methods and Get Order(s) Single and Bulk APIs.

What is the change?
Currently, when you retrieve a list of payment methods using the Get Payment Methods API, the payload will return paymentType with values such as WORLDPAYCREDIT, WORLDPAYAPPLE and PRIMERCC.
Similarly, when you retrieve a single order, or list of orders using the Get Order(s) API, the payload will return payment_type with values such as, WorldPay Credit Card, Primer Credit Card and DLocal Mexico SE.

As you know, these values do not match between the two API calls, and are not helpful when mapping orders to payment methods, particularly for credit card orders, where there can be multiple values (WORLDPAYCREDIT and CHECKOUTCREDIT).

Why are we making this change?
We want to make it as sensible as possible to report on and map orders by payment types. That is why we will consolidate payment types into a single set that will be consistent across both endpoints, and across both buy and sell.

  • ach-bank-transfer
  • apple-pay
  • debit-credit-card
  • euro-open-banking
  • gbp-bank-transfer
  • google-pay
  • ideal-bank-transfer
  • interac-bank-transfer
  • khipu-cl-bank-transfer
  • payid-bank-transfer
  • pix
  • pse-co-bank-transfer
  • sepa-bank-transfer
  • spei-bank-transfer
  • zar-bank-transfer

What do you need to do?
If you have hardcoded any of these payment type values from either endpoints, you will need to re-map them to their new values.

Please find the full list of before and after payment type values and their mappings here. We have also included payment types that are no longer supported.

When will this change happen?
The APIs will be updated to contain new payment type values in Sandbox from Tuesday March 19th and in Production from Tuesday March 26th.

As always, please reach out to us with any questions and concerns. We are here to help with each step of the transition.